Within the last week I was fortunate enough to be able to visit two different rustic homes that were very different but both felt comfortable and inviting.
The first was in Vermont on a lovely piece of property that has a wetland area within it. You could sit and watch the Ducks and Geese for hours as they tend to their eggs or search for food. The home itself is a small cabin with a sleeping loft. It has everything that my two friends need, all within a compact space that easily connects to extensive outdoor living spaces. The natural wood walls and
field stone fireplaces help tie it to the outdoors, along with stick cabinet handles and log furniture.
The other home is located on a beautiful lake in Maine. This summer retreat built in the great camp style is very large, with 10 bedrooms and a great room that has three
field stone fireplaces! But you still feel that rustic warmth. The cottage was built in 1910, so you are surrounded by history but feel connected to the outdoors as well. The bead board walls,
field stone fire places, stick door latches and rustic style furniture all come together perfectly. The front porch is over 40 feet long with rocker after rocker. Inside you'll find Old Hickory Furniture and unique pieces from the early 1900's, as well as recently crafted rustic furniture.
Both of these rustic homes create a special, comfortable and welcoming feeling that is appreciated as soon as you walk in. What a great thing to be able to accomplish in your vacation retreat or your year round home. If you have ever dreamed of having a special place like this then set
some goals and
pursue your dreams. You can do it.