Copper is a great accent to use on rustic style projects. Copper is one of the most beautiful metals and it goes very well, in my opinion, with twigs, birch bark, barn wood, and other rustic furniture materials. So, what is the best way to incorporate copper into your home projects? What I do is I buy copper flashing at the local hardware store. No, it’s not cheap but the metal itself will probably hold it’s value no matter what you do with it. It comes in different widths and in various length rolls, used by builders to protect areas on roofs and other spots where water can get to the building. Once you have purchased your copper you can cut it with shears that can also be purchased at any hardware or home improvement store. As with anything, it will pay to get a good solid pair of shears because they will last longer and cut easier. I like to add copper accents on to my mirror/picture frame projects, along with twigs and White Birch bark. Sometimes I keep it new and shiny and other times I leave it outside until it tarnishes and looks older. Another way to prepare the copper is by banging it with a rounded hammer to give it the old pounded look (you will see examples of this in the accompanying photos). This takes a bit of time to get it completely pounded and looking somewhat authentic but it is fun to see it start to fill in and come together. When applying the copper to your project you want to glue it in place and then you will also cover the edges and hold it down with logs, twigs, or whatever material you are working with. This will hold it securely in place as well as hide the edges. It’s really as simple as that. You can add some wonderful copper accents to your project and it will be pretty straight forward. I do not put any special finish on the copper I just let it change as it may over time, but if you need to spray a finish of some type over the bark or twigs it is fine to go over the copper as well. Good luck with your rustic/Adirondack home project and please let me know if you have any thoughts or questions on using copper to cover flat areas.
If you desire larger pieces of copper furniture like tables, beds, and more then please contact us to learn about the line of rustic copper furniture that we carry. Mark@RusticFurnitureGallery.com
Copper is a perfect match to rustic décor and aspen furniture because of its warm color. It gives a sparkle that makes the whole furniture look expensive and sophisticated. This is a nice design that can improve the appearance of your house furniture.